09 April 2009

Knightly In Graphic Domestic Violence PSA

[I cant bring myself to watch this video yet but eventually I will]


Knightly In Graphic Domestic Violence PSA
Actress Speaks Up For U.K. Women's Aid Group

POSTED: Friday, April 3, 2009
UPDATED: 12:08 pm EDT April 3, 2009

British actress Keira Knightly is taking on domestic violence at home by participating in a graphic public service announcement.

The PSA, titled "Cut," is posted online (warning: violent content) and is playing on television and in theaters in the U.K. At the beginning of the two-minute film, Knightly appears as an actress who returns home to her apartment to find a blood-stained apartment with a shattered mirror.

A male co-star then appears with a bloodied hand, and just as Knightly looks into the camera and says, "Sorry, we didn't agree to that -- it wasn't in the script," he strikes her to the ground. The actor then proceeds to grab her by the hair and kick her in the stomach several times.

As the camera pulls back to reveal a movie set, the words appear on the screen, "Isn't it time someone called cut?"

The PSA was produced by the U.K. anti-domestic violence group Women's Aid.

"I wanted to take part in this advert for Women's Aid because while domestic violence exists in every section of society, we rarely hear about it," Knightly said in a statement on the group's site. "We may not think we know someone who has experienced domestic violence, but this does not mean that it is not happening. Domestic violence affects one in four women at some point in their lifetime and kills two women every week. Without the services provided by Women's Aid, many more women could be at risk of being killed, yet without donations the charity may not exist this time next year."

The 24-year-old actress also asks for donations to the group "to help save lives."

Knightly has starred in all three "Pirates of the Caribbean" films and the Best Picture nominee "Atonement." She also was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar for "Pride & Prejudice."

"Cut" was directed by "Atonement" and "Pride & Prejudice" filmmaker Joe Wright.

Women's Aid is a national domestic violence charity that co-ordinates and supports an England-wide network of over 500 local services working to end domestic violence against women and children.

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