22 March 2009

Its the American Way

I realized that I didnt infact have writers block, I just wasnt pissed off enough to feel a need to vent. Well today is a new day.

As any other typical weekend morning, I discussed aftercare plans with my client. Like any typical American that is addicted to drugs, she has no health insurance, has lost everything, and only has the support of one family member left. I handed her a flyer for CA meetings [Cocaine Anonymous] and invited her to come back to Detox for the evening meetings. Behind my client stands the nurse, whom shakes her head and says that the schedule is outdated and provided her with a phone number to call for a current meeting schedule. When the client leaves, the nurse proceeds to inform me that Apalachee Center, Inc has decided to do away with ALL meetings in Detox. Now let me tell you, I was in shock and disbelief. They gain and lose nothing by these meetings. The meetings are run by recovering addicts that do it for free. Detox is open 24 hours so it costs nothing to have people sit in a room and talk about their recovery. There justification for this decision is that they feel a person in Detox may not be ready for a meeting, and he or she should go see a therapist and after some time, the therapist will decide if they should go to meetings. I sat in amazement and disbelief. The typical Detox client does not have any means to see a therapist, if they did, they would already be in treatment. Granted there are meetings in other places, but now there is one less meeting. How can we offer support and hope to our clients if Apalachee keeps taking away FREE resources. There is no justification for this. It's like they are trying to keep them addicted, so they can come back and utilize a bed, and then they can get refunded by the state for it. Typical for social service agencies that have businessmen for CEO's and have no intention of trying to better society and its people.

Times like today validate my wishes to move to a socialist country.


  1. Our staff was having this discussion on Thursday about people who have no idea about Non Profit, Social Justice, Social Care or Organizing trying to do it and the FAILING the people by protecting the Business' interest...None of these are businesses!

  2. which tells us that people that want to run social service agencies need to also get experience in business management and LEARN how to run a proper business.
