31 March 2009

Cry me a river

Sadness can take over and make a person forget about all the greatness that this world has to offer. If you think about it, the thing you are most sad about is usually the thing that is lacking the most in your life. For example, I know people that have the same degree of sadness but one person's reason is getting reprimanded at work, and the other person's reason is feeling underappreciated in a relationship. Person A [reprimand at work] may be more sensitive to this than to love because maybe his father was always telling him he wasn't good enough but his mother did damage control by loving him extra. He may become a workaholic not because he wants to make money, but because he overanalyzes every aspect of his duties and spends way too much time on one task to make sure its perfect. Person B [feeling underappreciated in a relationship] may be used to her parents telling her and showing her that they love her, but their attention may have been devoted to another sibling that was of special needs or was a trouble maker.

Sadness is emotionally and physically draining. But please, do not confuse sadness with depression. Sadness is caused by a known reason and its temporary. Its not a chemical imbalance. Depression on the other hand, is characterized by prolonged sadness for no known reason, affects daily life activities, and may be caused by a chemical imbalance. I tell my clients all the time, sadness is a natural emotion just like happiness and anger. Its something that will be felt throughout your lifetime and you can't run away from it. Everyone gets sad about something but all you can do is let the emotion run its course.

Got a new intake to do. I guess the best thing about my job is that I hear stories that are far worse than what I'm experiencing and it makes me grateful to be able to go home and feel safe and comforted.

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